Our Rule and Regulation 
  • No entry is permissible WITHOUT IDENTITY CARD
  • You must be sincere and Regular in class otherwise YOU MAY BE EXPELLED FROM THE CLASSES.
  • Total Course fees will be paid in advance and IN NO CASE IT WILL BE REFUNDED OR ADJUSTED.
  • You must SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE during the classes otherwise strict action will be taken.
  • NO PHOTOGRAPHY / VIDEOGRAPHY or any other electronic media can be used in Excel Premises. If used, it will be taken as serious offence.
  • Parking must be at the designated place. PARKING WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
  • Timing of classes may be EXTENDED / REDUCED / RESCHEDULED as per the requirement of course.
  • we are NOT RESPONSIBLE for any inconvenience in hostel recommended by us.
  • Submit TWO COLOURED PHOTOGRAPHS at the time of admission in face to face classes.  
  • I agree that photographs and phone number provided by me may be used for publication in any media.
  • You must FOLLOW THE RULES issued by administrative Department from time to time.


Excel App Rules 
  • Access of app will be available till exam date of your registered course 
  • You can use only one device (Android / Windows ) for Excel App. (Not Supported in IOS and Mac OS).
  • If you want to change your device. we will charge Rs. 1000/- for one time device change.